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Soft Robots Control Based on Visual Information

Soft robots have large configuration space and built-in flexibility. Currently, markers on soft robots are most often used to keep track of the shape of soft robots. However, it is time-consuming and expensive to build such a tracking system. In addition, the shape between two markers may be not smooth. Therefore, markers cannot capture the whole shape of soft robots. Therefore, our main goal is trying to capture shapes of the soft robot and control it. I am using computer vision and feedback control to solve the problem.

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Deformable object tracking robust to self-occlusion and obstacle interaction

Coming soon...


All-terrain Vehicle Based on Caterpillar Bands and Transformable Wheels

The transformable wheels are introduced to increase robots' flexibility. However, for some terrain such as sand, traditional transformable wheels are easy to be stuck in. As the team leader, I work with teammates to build a device that is both flexible and stable. We combine the caterpillar and transformable wheels based on four-bar linkage design.

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Young's Modulus Measurement Based on Accelerometer

Measuring Young's Modulus is an essential problem in mechanical engineering. In the project, we develop a method to measure Young's Modulus based on the second-order model of the dynamic system. I work with my teammates to build the measuring system based on the accelerometer and analyze the measurement result.

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Robot Arm with a Soft Silica Gel Gripper

Grasping and moving objects is an essential problem in robotics, especially for those with different shapes. The objective of this project is to design a robotic arm with a soft gripper to grasp objects and move them from one place to another using the remote control.

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